iphone for programmers : an app-driven approach

Deitel, Paul J.

iphone for programmers : an app-driven approach /by paul deitel and Harvey deitel - New Dehli : Pearson Education India Private Ltd, 2012. - xxxii, 408 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

Index inculded

Chapter 1: Introduction to iPhone app development---------------------
Chapter 2: iPhone App Store and app business issues-----------------
Chapter 3: Welcome app : dive-into Xcode, Cocoa and Interface Builder---------------------
Chapter 4: Tip calculator app : introducing Objective-C programming--------------------------
Chapter 5: Favorite Twitter searches app : collections and Cocoa GUI programming--------------------------
Chapter 6: Flag quiz game app : controllers and the Utility Application template---------------------
Chapter 7: Spot-on game app : using UIView and detecting touches------------------------
Chapter 8: Cannon game app : animation with NSTimer and handling drag events------------------------
Chapter 9: Painter app : using controls with UIView----------------------
Chapter 10: Address book app : tables and UINavigationController---------------------
Chapter 11: Route tracker app : Map Kit and Core Location (GPS and compass)-----------------------
Chapter 12: Slideshow app : photos and iPod library access------------------------
Chapter 13: Enhanced slideshow app : serialization data with NSCoder and playing video------------------------
Chapter 14: Voice recorder app : audio recording and playback-----------------------
Chapter 15: Enhanced address book app : managing and transferring persistent data--------------------
Chapter 16: Twitter discount airfares app : Internet enabled applications--------------------------


iPhone (Smartphone) -- Programming.
Application software -- Development.

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