Advanced computer architecture /

Chopra, Rajiv

Advanced computer architecture / by Er Rajiv chopra - New Delhi : S Chand, 2009c. - 502p. : 25cm. ill. ;

Chapter 1: Parallel Computer Models-----------------------------
Chapter 2: Program and Network Properties------------------------
Chapter 3: System Interconnect Architectures-------------------------
Chapter 4: Types of Processors------------------------------
Chapter 5: Memory Technology-----------------------------
Chapter 6: Backplane Bus System-------------------------
Chapter 7: Pipelining-------------------------
Chapter 8: Vector Processing-------------------------
Chapter 9: Synchronous Parallel Processing (SIMD)-------------------------
Chapter 10: Parallel Algorithms and Programming-----------------------
Chapter 11: Multithreaded Architectures-----------------------
Chapter 12: Operating system Issues----------------------------
Chapter 13: OPENMP and MPI--------------------------
Chapter 14: OPTICAL COMPUTING - A CASE STUDY--------------------

9788121930774 (pbk)

Computer architecture.

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