Data structures with C++ using STL /

Ford, William

Data structures with C++ using STL / by William Ford, William Topp. - 2nd ed. - New Delhi : Pearson, 2012. - vii, 1037 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Includes index.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Data Structures ------------------
Chapter 2: Object Design Techniques -----------------------
Chapter 3: Introduction to Algorithms ---------------------
Chapter 4: The Vector Container ---------------------
Chapter 5: Pointers And Dynamic Memory ---------------------
Chapter 6: The List Container and Iterators --------------------
Chapter 7: Stacks --------------------
Chapter 8: Queues and Priority Queues -------------------
Chapter 9: Linked Lists ------------------
Chapter 10: Binary Trees --------------------
Chapter 11: Associative Containers ---------------------
Chapter 12: AdvancedAssociative Structures ----------------------
Chapter 13: Inheritance andAbstract Classes ----------------------
Chapter 14: Heaps, Binary Files and Bit Sets -------------------------
Chapter 15: Recursive Algorithms ----------------------
Chapter 16: Graphs ---------------------.

9788131764053 (pbk)


C++ (Computer program language)
Data structures (Computer science)

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