20 recipes for programming MVC 3

Munro, Jamie

20 recipes for programming MVC 3 by Jamie Munro - New Delhi O'Reilly, 2011, 2012. - v, 106p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Chapter 1: Restricting Access to Views with Password Protection ----------------------
Chapter 2: Automating Generation of Controllers and Views -----------------------
Chapter 3: Validating User Input ---------------------
Chapter 4: Implementing Multiple Languages --------------------
Chapter 5: Sending a Welcome Email ---------------------
Chapter 6: Retrieving a Forgotten Password ----------------------
Chapter 7: Sorting a List of Results --------------------
Chapter 8: Paging Through a List of Results -----------------------
Chapter 9:Filtering a List of Results ---------------------
Chapter 10: Searching a List of Results by Keyword -------------------------
Chapter 11: Uploading a File Through a Form---------------------
Chapter 12: Resizing an Image to Create a Thumbnail-------------------------
Chapter 13: Implementing Ajax to Enhance the User Experience-------------------------
Chapter 14: Submitting a Form with Ajax-----------------------
Chapter 15: Enabling a CAPTCHA-----------------------
Chapter 16: Mobilizing Your Website---------------------
Chapter 17: Paging Through Content Without the Pages--------------------------
Chapter 18: Displaying Search Results While Typing-------------------------
Chapter 19: Routing Users to a Specific Controller and Action-------------------------
Chapter 20: Caching Results for Faster Page Loads----------------------
Chapter 21: Going Further----------------------------

The goal of this book is to provide web developers a "cookbook" of "recipes" that are required by many developers on a day-to-day basis. Each code sample contains a complete working example of how

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