Java programming 24-hour trainer /

Fain, Yakov.

Java programming 24-hour trainer / by Yakov Fain. - New Delhi: John Wiley, 2012 - xxxiv, 469 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. + 1 Compact Disc (4 3/4 in.).

Includes index.

Lesson 1: Introducing Java-----------------------
Lesson 2: Eclipse IDE-----------------------
Lesson 3: Object oriented programming-----------------------
Lesson 4: Class methods---------------------
Lesson 5: Back to java basics-----------------------
Lesson 6: Packages, interfaces and encapsulation-----------------------
Lesson 7: Programming with abstract classes and interfaces------------------------
Lesson 8: Introducing the graphic user interface---------------------
Lesson 9: Event handling UI--------------------
Lesson 10: Introducing to java applets------------------------
Lesson 11: Developing a tic-tac-toe applet-------------------
Lesson 12: Developing a ping-pong game-------------------------
Lesson 13: Error handling---------------------
Lesson 14: Introduction to collection----------------------
Lesson 15: Introduction to generics----------------------
Lesson 16: Working with streams---------------------
Lesson 17: Java serialization-----------------------
Lesson 18: Network programming-----------------------
Lesson 19: Processing email with java--------------------
Lesson 20: Introduction to multi-threading----------------------
Lesson 21: Digging deeper in to concurrent execution---------------------
Lesson 22: Working with databases using JDBC---------------------------
Lesson 23: Swing with Jtable------------------
Lesson 24: Annotations and reflection----------------------
Lesson 25: Remote method invocation---------------------
Lesson 26: Java EE 6 overview------------------------
Lesson 27: Programming with servlets---------------------
Lesson 28: JavaServer pages-------------------------
Lesson 29: Developing web applications with JSF----------------------
Lesson 30: Introducing JMS and MOM-----------------------
Lesson 31: Introduction to enterprise java beans-------------------------
Lesson 32: Introducing JNDI---------------------
Lesson 33: Introduction to java persistence API---------------------
Lesson 34: Working with RESTfull web services----------------------
Lesson 35: Introduction to spring MVC framework---------------------
Lesson 36: Introduction to hibernate framework----------------------
Lesson 37: Bringing javaFX to Mix-------------------
Lesson 38: Java Technical Interviews---------------------

Covers the concepts, terms, and programming practices of Java to create Web applications.



Java (Computer program language)
Computer software.
Java (Computer language)

005.2 / FAI-J 2012 6300