Android wireless application development /

Darcey, Lauren,

Android wireless application development / Lauren Darcey, Shane Conder. - 3rd ed. - New Delhi : Pearson 2018. - 419: ill. ; 25 cm.

Author's names in reverse order on previous editions. Features Android 4.0."

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

1. Introducing Android
2. Setting Up Your Android Development Environment
3. Writing Your First Android Application
4. Mastering the Android Development Tools
5. Understanding the Anatomy of an Android Application
6. Defining Your Application Using the Android Manifest File
7. Managing Application Resources
8. Exploring User Interface Screen Elements
9. Designing User Interfaces with Layout
10. Working with Fragments
11. Working with Dialogs
12. Using Android Preferences
13. Working with Files and Directories
14. Using Content Providers
15. Designing Compatible Applications
16. The Android Software Development Process
17. Designing and Developing Bulletproof Android Applications
18. Testing Android Applications
19. Publishing Your Android Application

9789332518889 (pbk)


Wireless communication systems.

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