Professional android 4 application development /

Meier, Reto

Professional android 4 application development / by Reto Meier - New Delhi: Wrox Wiley, c2018. - xlii,817 p: ill; 24 cm.

Chapter 1: Hello android-------------------------
Chapter 2: Getting started-----------------------
Chapter 3: Creating applications and activities----------------------
Chapter 4: Building user interfaces---------------------
Chapter 5: Intents and broadcast receivers--------------------
Chapter 6: Using internet resources----------------------
Chapter 7: Files, saving states and preferences----------------------
Chapter 8: Data bases and content providers-------------------------
Chapter 9: Working in the background-----------------------
Chapter 10: Expanding the user experiment----------------------
Chapter 11: Advanced user experience----------------------
Chapter 12: Hardware sensors-------------------
Chapter 13: Maps, geocoding and location based services-------------------------
Chapter 14: Invading the home Screen----------------------
Chapter 15: Audio, video and using the camera------------------------
Chapter 16: Bluetooth, NFC, Networks and Wi-Fi------------------------
Chapter 17: Telephony and SMS-----------------------
Chapter 18: Advanced android development-----------------------
Chapter 19: Monetizing, promoting and distributing applications------------------------

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Android Application.

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