Computer algorithms :

Baase, Sara

Computer algorithms : introduction to design & analysis / by Sara Baase and Allen Van Gelder - 3rd ed. - New Delhi : Pearson, 2009. - xiii, 688 p. ; ill. ; 24 cm.

Chapter 1: Analyzing Algorithms and Problems: Principles and Examples---------
Chapter 2: Data Abstraction and Basic Data Structures--------
Chapter 3: Recursion and Induction--------
Chapter 4: Sorting--------
Chapter 5: Selection and Adversary Arguments----------
Chapter 6: Dynamic Sets and Searching---------
Chapter 7: Graphs and Graph Traversals--------
Chapter 8: Graph Optimization Problems and Greedy Algorithms-------
Chapter 9: Transitive Closure, All-Pairs shortest Path-------
Chapter 10: Dynamic Programming-------
Chapter 11: String Matching
Chapter 12: Polynomials and Matrices--------
Chapter 13: NP-Complete Problems--------
Chapter 14: Parallel Algorithms--------
Chapter A: Java Examples and Techniques--------

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Computer algorithms

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