Introduction to algorithms

Cormen, Thomas H.

Introduction to algorithms / by Thomas H. Cormen..[]. - 3rd ed. - New Delhi : PHI Learning Education Private Limited, 2012, 2009c. - xvii, 1028 p. : ill ; 26 cm.

Growth of functions -- Summations -- Recurrences -- Sets, etc. -- Counting and probability -- Heapsort -- Quicksort -- Sorting in linear time -- Medians and order statistics -- Elementary data structures -- Hash tables -- Binary search trees -- Red-black trees -- Augmenting data structures -- Dynamic programming -- Greedy algorithms -- Amortized analysis -- B-trees -- Binomial heaps -- Fibonacci heaps -- Data structures for disjoint sets -- Elementary graph algorithms -- Minimum spanning trees -- Single-source shortest paths -- All-pairs shortest paths -- Maximum flow -- Sorting networks -- Arithmetic circuits -- Algorithms for parallel computers -- Matrix operations -- Polynomials and the FFT -- Number-theoretic algorithms -- String matching -- Computational geometry -- NP-completeness -- Approximation algorithms.


Computer algorithms

Computer Science

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